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Biotechnological solutions for evergreen revolution.

Biotechnological solutions for evergreen revolution .

In present times of escalating threats of climate change, soil degradation, water scarcity and biodiversity depletion, the sustainable supply of food, fodder and fibre remains a colossal challenge amidst increasing global and national population.

The recently proposed BioE3 (Biotechnology for economy, environment and employment) policy of the government of India is well thought-out document. Not relying on only one silver bullet, the policy entails comprehensive and integrated approach of utilising biotechnological products, processes , innovations and skills for fostering sustainable high yielding , climate resilent farming with broader objective of making India epicenter of global bioeconomy while meeting it’s net zero target by 2070.

The use of biotechnological tools like genome Mapping , selective breeding,bioprocessing, micropropogation, gene editing using CRISPER/Cas9 system, gene silencing using miRNA, site directed metagenesis, proteomics etc. and integrating all these omics with artificial intelligence, digitization is state-of-the-art approach paving way for precision agriculture, production of improved variety of foods with enriched nutrients, better climatic resilience, disease and pest resistance and high nutrient and water use efficiency.

In earlier days hybridization was foundation of improved crop varieties, in recent years multiple gene transformation and editing are core for high per hectare yields of crops like rice, Maize. Gene silencing helped improving self life of vegetables like in Flavr Savr tomatoes. The biofortification or nutrient enrichment was brought about by inducing expressions of certain genes like in Vitamin A enriched golden rice, lysine riched maize. The drought resistance ,disease resistent, herbicide resistent and salinity resistance varieties of staple crops of wheat, maize , rice, sugarcane, soyabean have been developed.

To give impetus to production of functional food and proteins several plant have been genetically modified like Brassica napus for production of anticoagulant Hirudin. Plants like Moringa oliefera are now micropropogated to ensure large scale production of mimetic insulins protein. Several genetically engineered crops produces antioxidants , essential poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and other therapeutics and bioactive food .

Sustainability in agriculture also encompasses reducing Carbon footprints from agriculture and allied sectors , can be brought about by reducing maturity periods and improving nutrient use efficiency.Crop based meat and dairy production, using , improving and saving germplasm of indigenous millets and applying cutting edge innovations to reduce electricity , water, fertiliser ,chemicals consumption in farms. The circular economy approach of using farm residues for single cell protein production, biogas, manure production in line with mandates of GOBARDHAN schemes are laudable in ensuring homeostatic balance of man with it’s biosphere.

Given India’s global reputation as vaccine and pharma powerhouse and reasonable share in global biotech economy it’s imperative to push biotechnology in agriculture as have cascading effects on food supply chain, rural economy , Carbon sequestration and renewable energy production as well. However several bottlenecks needs to be addressed concerning our federal setups where agriculture is state subject. Public perception management to improve social acceptance. Consistent funding, training with intiative like Biotech KISAN, public-private paterniships, bottom up participation of indigenous people and enabling regulatory frameworks are vital in materialising policy mandates.

Mugdha kumari pandey