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Carbon capture and utilization

It is widely accepted that fossil fuels will remain the mainsource of energy for at least the next 50 years, and the CO2emissions derived from such energy sources contribute great-ly to global climate change.[1] This will require the deploy-ment of advanced low-carbon fossil-energy technologies inthe short term. The December 2015 U.N. Climate ChangeConference in Paris agreed on a long-term goal of keepingaverage warming below 28C, and this can be accomplishedby considering two long-term emission goals: first, a peakingof emissions as soon as possible, and then, a goal of netgreenhouse gas neutrality (expressed as a balance betweenanthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks)in the second half of this century. Therefore, it is impera-tive to reduce such anthropogenic emissions.On the other hand, with the increase in the world popula-tion, the demand for energy supply is expected to increasesignificantly over the next decades, and thus, new and renew-able energy sources are required to meet this demand. Cap-tured CO2can be treated as a valuable feedstock for the pro-duction of many value-added chemicals and fuels, which thusprovides a solution to both emission-control and energy-supply challenges.
In conclusion, CCU provides a promising avenue for transforming CO2 emissions into valuable products, mitigating the impact of climate change, and creating economic opportunities.

The technologies and applications discussed above highlight the potential for CO2 to become a resource rather than waste. CCU can complement other climate mitigation strategies such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, and carbon pricing.

However, realizing the full potential of CCU requires collaborations between governments, industries, and researchers, as well as supportive policies and incentives. We must continue to innovate and invest in this field to build a sustainable and prosperous future.
Carbon capture and utilization (CCU) has emerged as an essential technology for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, and it involves turning captured CO2 into valuable products. CCU converts an environmental liability into a valuable resource, and it has the potential to combat climate change by reducing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere while creating economic opportunities. Understand more about the potential of CCU, its current applications, and future opportunities.
The need for sustainable solutions to mitigate climate change has never been more urgent. One of the most effective measures is to capture and store or utilize carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas produced by human activities.

Carbon capture and utilization (CCU) can play a vital role in turning CO2 into valuable products, reducing the environmental impact of industrial processes and creating new economic opportunities.

Capturing CO2 is a critical first step towards reducing its concentration in the atmosphere. One approach is to capture CO2 directly from industrial sources such as power plants, cement factories, or bioenergy plants.

This can be done through various methods such as physical and chemical adsorption, absorption, and membrane separation. Once captured, the CO2 can either be stored permanently in geological formations or utilized as a feedstock for various products.

Utilizing captured CO2 as a feedstock can lead to the development of a circular carbon economy, where CO2 emissions become a resource rather than waste.

There are already several proven CCU technologies that can convert CO2 into valuable products such as chemicals, fuels, and building materials. For example, CO2 can be converted into methanol, a versatile chemical used in the production of solvents, plastics, and fuels.

CO2 can also be used to produce carbonated beverages, dry ice, and solid carbonates for construction materials. It’s worth nothing that carbonates are used in a variety of products, including cement, plastics, and even paper.

S. Keerthana

University/College name : Jamal mohammed college(Autonomous)