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From Garbage to Gold: Carbon Capture and Utilization

Carbon forms the molecular basis of life and life-supporting systems, yet carbon emissions are our biggest challenge. What if we could turn this situation around and utilize the carbon we so strongly despise, for our benefit? And turn this source of pollution into a resource to drive progress? This article explores innovative ideas and technologies to recycle and utilize carbon waste.
Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) encompasses a range of applications through which CO2  is captured and used either directly (i.e. not chemically altered) or indirectly (i.e. transformed) in various products.
CCU offers a novel approach to utilize CO2 and mitigate its harmful effects on the environment by turning it into usable forms.
It represents various pathways that utilize CO2 as a feedstock in process systems or for the generation of value-added commodities. The CO2 used can be captured from different sources including power plants and industrial activities via several existing carbon capture and separation technologies that ensure a pure and safe CO2 supply. CCU pathways are mainly divided into five wide-ranging categories: CO2 conversion to chemicals and fuels, mineral carbonation, enhanced oil recovery, biological conversion, and direct CO2 utilization.
CCU finds various applications in industries like chemical, construction, and biology. Solidified carbon residues can be used as additives in concrete and building materials to enhance the structural integrity of buildings and roads. It can be used to cultivate plants and algae and as fertilizers to enhance agricultural yield and promote the formation of biofuels. Additionally, it can be used as feedstock for producing a variety of chemicals.
Offering a more innovative approach, Carbon recovered from these sources can be used to create artificial diamonds, converting waste into metaphorical gold and increasing its value. This also helps to minimize the environmental impact of mining.
In conclusion, CCU holds immense potential to mitigate climate change while offering opportunities for innovations and economic growth and is poised to revolutionize waste management and carbon emissions.


University/College name : MANIPAL UNIVERSITY JAIPURsu