Dr Mukhopadhyay is carrying out research in Immunology and Infection-Biology and made Outstanding scientific contribution and fundamental discoveries in understanding molecular mechanism of pathogenesis of Tuberculosis and inflammatory disorders. Her work makes a significant contribution in preventing Tuberculosis and disease associated with inflammation. She has embarked on taking up translational research projects for enabling Biotherapeutics for Human Health. She has filed several patents and published in international journals with high impact factors. She received several National/International awards including DBT-National Young Woman Bioscientist Award, DBT-National Bioscience Award, Various ICMR Awards, IIS Senior Scientist award, AAI membership. She is an elected member of IASc, INSA, NASI and a recipient of the prestigious DBT-TATA Innovation and J.C. Bose Fellowships and AAI membership. She serves as committee/Board member of ICMR, CSIR, DST-SERB, LVPEI, University of Hyderabad, Dr. Reddy's Laboratories etc. She is a peer reviewer of various International and National Journals and grants.
Current Focus Areas
Dr. Mukhopadhyay works in understanding cell-signaling networks important for immune regulation and elucidating how expression of various host-genes are modulated during various pathophysiological conditions leading to establishment of disease. She is mainly looking at immunomodulation during tuberculosis, Inflammation and Cancer and designing of suitable therapeutics to control these health disorders.
Academic/research interest. a. Cell signaling and Signal transduction in macrophages b. TLRs, Innate and Adaptive immunity and Th1/Th2 regulation c. Host-pathogen interaction and virulence mechanism of Mycobacterium tuberculosis d. Stress response e. Identification of novel drug targets and Designing of therapeutic interventions against Tuberculosis, Wound healing, Inflammatory disorder and Cancer.
Selected Publications
2. Jha V, Pal R, Kumar D and Mukhopadhyay S*. ESAT-6 protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis increases holotransferrin-mediated iron uptake in macrophages by downregulating surface hemochromatosis protein HFE (2020). Journal of Immunology 205:3095-3106.
3. Jha V, Rao RN, Janardhan S, Raman R, Sastry GN, Sharma V, Rao JS, Kumar D and Mukhopadhyay S*. Uncovering structural and molecular dynamics of ESAT-6:β2M interaction: Asp53 of human β2-microglobulin is critical for the ESAT-6:β2M complexation (2019). Journal of Immunology 203: 1918-1929
4. Srivastava S, Battu MB, Khan MZ, Nandicoori VK, Mukhopadhyay S*. Mycobacterium tuberculosis PPE2 protein interacts with p67phox and inhibits reactive oxygen species production (2019). Journal of Immunology 203: 1218-1229
5. Sreejit G, Ahmed A, Parveen N, Jha V, Valluri VL, Ghosh S and Mukhopadhyay S*. The ESAT-6 protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis interacts with beta-2-microglobulin (β2M) affecting antigen presentation function of macrophage (2014). PLoS Pathogens 10: e1004446
1. Pal R, Battu MB and Mukhopadhyay S* (2022). Therapeutic application of PPE2 protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in inhibiting tissue inflammation (2022). EMBO Molecular Medicine 14(9):e14891.