My lab focuses on identifying the candidate pathogenicity determinant of the Rhizoctonia solani, the devastating fungal pathogen of rice and exploring their role in governing virulence and host specificity. Furthermore, we focus on understand how this pathogen manipulate rice cellular and molecular process to establish sheath blight disease. We have identified a novel fungal eating mycophagous bacteria and we focus on identifying the molecular determinants of bacterial mycophagy.
Current Focus Areas
Imparting Sheath blight disease resistance in plants, Molecular basis of mycophagy, fungal pathogensis
Selected Publications
Chandan, R.K., Kumar, R., Kabyashree, K., Yadav, S.K., Roy, M., Swain, D., and Jha, G*. 2023. 1202-1218. A prophage tail-like protein facilitates the endophytic growth of Burkholderia gladioli and mounting immunity in tomato. New Phytopathologist. 240. Doi: 10.1111/nph.19184.
Chandan, R.K., Kumar, R., Swain, D., Ghosh, S., Bhagat, P., Patel, S., Bagler, G., Sinha, A., and Jha, G*. 2023. RAV1 family members function as transcriptional regulators and play a positive role in plant disease resistance. The Plant Journal. 114: 39-54.
Das, J., Kumar, R., Yadav, S. K., and Jha, G*. 2022. The alternative sigma factor, rpoN1 and rpoN2 are required for mycophagous activity of Burkholderia gladioli strain NGJ1. Environmental Microbiology. 24: 2781-2796. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.158.
Yadav SK, Magotra A, Ghosh S, Krishnan A, Pradhan A, Kumar R, Das J, Sharma M, and Jha G*. 2021. Immunity proteins of dual nuclease T6SS effectors function as transcriptional repressors. EMBO reports. 22:e51857.
Swain DM, Yadav SK, Tyagi I, Kumar R, Kumar R, Ghosh S, Das J and Jha G *. 2017. A prophage tail-like protein is deployed by Burkholderia bacteria to feed on fungi. Nature communications. 8: 404.