The Laboratory of Structural Biology at NIPGR is interested in understanding various plant DNA repair and recombination mechanisms from structural and biochemical perspectives. Recently, we identified At-HIGLE, a GIY-YIG endonuclease, as a possible plant Slx1 with resolve Holliday Junction (four-way DNA molecules) resolving potential.
Current Focus Areas
DNA repair and recombination in plants
Selected Publications
Verma P, Kumari P, Negi S, Yadav G, Gaur V*. Holliday junction resolution by At-HIGLE: an SLX1 lineage endonuclease from Arabidopsis thaliana with a novel in-built regulatory mechanism. (2022) Nucleic Acids Research. 50: 4630–4646 (* Corresponding author).
Gaur V, Ziajko W, Nirwal S, Szlachcic A, Gapińska M, Nowotny M. Recognition and processing of branched DNA substrates by Slx1-Slx4 nuclease. (2019) Nucleic Acids Research. 47: 11681-11690
Jaciuk M*, Swuec P*, Gaur V*, Kasprzak JM, Renault L, Dobrychłop M, Nirwal S, Bujnicki JM, Costa A, Nowotny M. A combined structural and biochemical approach reveals translocation and stalling of UvrB on the DNA lesion as a mechanism of damage verification in bacterial nucleotide excision repair. (2019) DNA Repair. 85: 102746. (* Equal contribution).
Gaur V, Wyatt HD, Komorowska W, Szczepanowski RH, de Sanctis D, Gorecka KM, West SC, Nowotny M. Structural and Mechanistic Analysis of the Slx1-Slx4 Endonuclease. (2015) Cell Reports. 10: 1467–1476
Gaur V, Vyas R, Fowler JD, Efthimiopoulos G, Feng JY, Suo Z. Structural and kinetic insights into binding and incorporation of L-nucleotide analogs by a Y-family DNA polymerase. (2014) Nucleic Acids Research. 42: 9984–9995.