
Deciphering the Molecular Mechanisms of Root Developmental Adaptations Under Low Nitrogen Availability in Plants: We are interested in identifying the genetic factors involved in root developmental adaptation for the exploitation of N from the rhizosphere and their regulation by phytochromes (auxin and BRs) in Arabidopsis, tomato, and rice. To address this, we are employing molecular, cell biology, and developmental biology tools and techniques, including live imaging, transgenics, and CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing approaches. Understanding the Genetic Basis of Root Development During Ammonium Stress in Plants: High ammonium levels as the sole nitrogen (N) source can be toxic to plants. Our research aims to explore the genes and transcription factors involved in modulating root cellular dynamics, such as cell division, elongation and expansion, and proliferation to enhance plant performance under ammonium stress in Arabidopsis. Investigating the Molecular Basis of Combined Stress: High Salinity and Low Nitrogen: Our ultimate goal is to develop plants with enhanced nitrogen use efficiency and improved salinity tolerance. To achieve this, we employ high-resolution imaging techniques, transcriptomics, genome editing, and transgenic approaches to unravel the mechanisms underlying the combined stress of low nitrogen and high salt.

Current Focus Areas

  • Nitrogen use efficiency in rice and tomato, Genome editing in rice and tomato , Mechanisms of iron deficiency and toxicity in rice and tomato, hormone signaling, root development, Tomato Fruit development and ripening, Ammonium toxicity in plants

Selected Publications

  • Yadav RK, Analin B, Panda MK, Ranjan A, Singh AP (2023) Brassinosteroids-regulated nitrogen metabolism fine-tunes growth physiology and low nitrogen response in tomato. Environ and Exp Bot. 216: 105528,

  • Devi LL, Pandey A, Gupta S, Singh AP (2022) The interplay of auxin and brassinosteroid signaling tunes root growth under low and different nitrogen forms. Plant Physiol. 189: 1757-1773,

  • Kumari P, Devi LL, Kumar A, Pandey A, Sinha SK, Singh AP (2022) Differential response of rice genotypes to nitrogen availability is associated with the altered nitrogen metabolism and ionomic balance. Environ Exp Bot 198 :104847,

  • Singh AP, Fridman Y, Friedlander-Shani L, Tarkowska D, Strnad M, Savaldi-Goldstein S (2014) Activity of the brassinosteroid transcription factors BRASSINAZOLE RESISTANT1 and BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE1-ETHYL METHANESULFONATE-SUPPRESSOR1/ BRASSINAZOLE RESISTANT2 blocks developmental reprogramming in response to low phosphate availability. Plant Physiol 166: 578–588, DOI: 10.1104/pp.114.245019

  • Singh AP, Fridman Y, Holland N, Ackerman-Lavert M, Zananiri R, Jaillais Y, Henn A, Savaldi-Goldstein S (2018) Interdependent Nutrient Availability and Steroid Hormone Signals Facilitate Root Growth Plasticity. Dev Cell 46: 59-72.e4, DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2018.06.002

Skills & Proficiency

Nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency in plants Genome editing in rice and tomato iron deficiency in plants live imaging confocal microscopy root development hormone (auxin and Brassinosteroids) signaling nitrogen metabolism plant responses to environmental stress cell division and elongation at the root tip lateral root development tomato fruit development and ripening