Our lab studies molecular mechanisms of plant immune responses – how the response of individual cells regulates the intracellular signalling events triggered after the detection of a molecule (effector) of pathogen /host origin – using the post-translational modifier protein SUMO as a starting point. Despite the significant advances made in understanding the post-translational modifications including SUMOylation in plant-pathogen interaction, this field is largely unexplored. Therefore, we are particularly interested in understanding the mechanism and regulation of SUMO proteases, the enzymes which cleave-off the SUMO from their substrate. Using a diverse array of genetic, biochemical, live-cell imaging, and molecular techniques, our team meticulously unravel the mechanisms underlying SUMO-dependent protein modifications crucial for plant growth and defense. We employ a combination of plants such as black pepper, rice and Arabidopsis to answer the questions during the study.
Current Focus Areas
Identification and functional characterisation of the SUMOylation machinery in black pepper
Light-mediated plant immune responses in crops
Selected Publications
Naranjo-Arcos, M.*, Srivastava, M.*, Deligne, F., Bhagat, P., Bhardwaj, M., Sadanandom, A., Vert, G. (2023). SUMO/deSUMOylation of the BRI1 brassinosteroid receptor modulates plant growth responses to temperature. PNAS 120(4): e2217255120. (equal contribution)
Srivastava, M.*, Srivastava, A.K.*, Bhardwaj, M., Roy, D., Gough, C., Bhagat, P., Zhang, C., Sadanandom, A. (2022). The conjugation of SUMO to the transcription factor MYC2 functions in blue light-mediated seedling development in Arabidopsis. the Plant Cell 34(8): 2892-2906 (equal contribution)
Verma, V., Srivastava, A.K., Campanaro, A., Srivastava, M., Morrell, R., Zhang, C., Sadanandom A.(2021). SUMO enables substrate selectivity by mitogen-activated protein kinases to regulate immunity in plants. PNAS 118(10): e2021351118.
Srivastava, M., Srivastava, A.K., Orosa-Puente, B., Campanaro, A., Zhang, C. and Sadanandom, A. (2020). SUMO conjugation to BZR1 mediates the environmental regulation of Brassinosteroid signaling to modulate plant growth during salt stress. Current Biology 30: 1410-1423
Chakraborty, M.*, Gangappa, S.N. *, Maurya, J.P., Sethi, V., Srivastava A., Singh, A., Dutta S., Gupta N., Sengupta, M., Ram, H. and Chattopadhyay, S (2019). Functional interrelation of MYC2 and HY5 plays an important role in Arabidopsis seedling development. the Plant J 99: 1080-1097 (*equal contribution)