
Dr Narendra Kumar is a computational biologist specializing in data science, immunoinformatics, and computational genomics. His research work focuses on molecular interactions through structure biology and Next Generation Sequencing based approaches specially in molecular recognition of antigens by immune system. He is also interested in understanding gene regulation at the genomic level using computational means. He has developed and implemented numerous next-generation sequencing pipelines and have designed several computational tools and webservers aimed at enhancing accessibility and data utility. With experience in the industry, he has also contributed to the standardization of biological data, making it more amenable for machine learning applications. Currently, he leads efforts in biological data integration and mining from diverse biological sources and creating software tools for biological applications.

Current Focus Areas

  • I am currently focused on developing software tools for integrating and analysing immunological data, particularly in the recognition of immune epitopes with a focus on neoantigens. My work centres on leveraging MHC-peptide-TCR structure data and NGS data to enhance the understanding and prediction of immune responses in computational immunology.

  • I am also engaged in the recognition and prediction of genome-wide transcription factor binding sites, utilizing structural data of DNA-protein interactions alongside high-throughput NGS data. This work aims to advance our understanding of transcriptional regulation and enhance predictive models in genomics.

Selected Publications

  • Manisha Shukla, Pankaj Chandley, Suman Tapryal, Narendra Kumar, Sulakshana P. Mukherjee and Soma Rohatgi (2022) Expression, purification and refolding of Chikungunya virus full length envelop E2 protein along with B-cell and T-cell epitope analysis using immuno-informatics approaches. ACS Omega 7: 3491-3513

  • Ashok Kumar, Gaobing Wu, Zuo Wu, Narendra Kumar and Ziduo Liu (2018) Improved catalytic properties of a serine hydroxymethyl transferase from Idiomarina loihiensis by site directed mutagenesis. International journal of biological macromolecules 117: 1216-1223.

  • Narendra Kumar and Jeffrey Skolnick (2012) EFICAz2.5: application of a high-precision enzyme function predictor to 396 proteomes. Bioinformatics 28:2687-2688.

  • Narendra Kumar and Debasisa Mohanty (2010) Identification of substrates for Ser/Thr protein kinases using residue based statistical pair potentials. Bioinformatics 26:189-197.

  • Narendra Kumar and Debasisa Mohanty (2007) MODPROPEP: a program for knowledge-based modeling of protein-peptide complexes. Nucleic Acids Research 35:W549-555.

Skills & Proficiency

Bioinformatics Immunoinformatics Computational Biology Computational Genomics Machine Learning Software Development Next Generation Sequencing Genomics Protein-peptide interactions Data integration