
After completing my B. Pharmacy in 2005, I chose to pursue M. Tech in Bioinformatics at IIIT Allahabad to enhance my computing and informatics skills. My goal was to delve into big-data genomics questions and delve deeper into computer-aided drug designing. During my research stints at NBRI Lucknow and NABI Mohali, I focused on developing supercomputing-enabled software and databases to advance plant genomics research. I collaborated with various groups interested in enhancing crop nutrition. During my Ph.D. at ZiemertLab, University of Tuebingen, Germany from October 2018 to September 2021, I developed new software tools and databases to expedite natural product discovery via metagenomics big-data. Now back at NABI, I aim to apply my pharmacy and computational biology expertise to accelerate novel natural product discovery and design nutritious food crops. Outside work, I find joy in playing badminton, practicing yoga, and exploring new destinations.

Current Focus Areas

  • Our current focus lies in advancing algorithms, databases, and tools for mining multi-omics data. We're accelerating gene discovery of cereals and fruits to enhance nutrition.

  • Leveraging open-source software on our 'Tera-scale Supercomputing Cluster', we develop custom solutions for integrative analysis, bridging gaps in available tools to decipher complex pathways and understand the genome's language.

  • Metagenome mining to explore novel regions of natural product chemical space

  • De-Novo Smart Protein Design using Artificial Intelligence tools

Selected Publications

  • Chevrette, M. G., Gavrilidou, A., Mantri, S., Selem-Mojica, N., Ziemert, N., & Barona-Gómez, F. (2021). The confluence of big data and evolutionary genome mining for the discovery of natural products. Natural Product Reports, 38(11), 2024-2040.

  • Mantri, S.S., Negri, T., Sales-Ortells, H., Angelov, A., Peter, S., Neidhardt, H., Oelmann, Y. and Ziemert, N., (2021). Metagenomic sequencing of multiple soil horizons and sites in close vicinity revealed novel secondary metabolite diversity. Msystems, 6(5), pp.e01018-21.

  • Elfeki, M., Mantri, S., Clark, C. M., Green, S. J., Ziemert, N., & Murphy, B. T. (2021). Evaluating the Distribution of Bacterial Natural Product Biosynthetic Genes across Lake Huron Sediment. ACS chemical biology, 16(11), 2623-2631.

  • Yadav, B., Singh, D., Mantri, S. and Rishi, V., 2024. WGBS of Differentiating Adipocytes Reveals Variations in DMRs and Context-Dependent Gene Expression. bioRxiv, pp.2024-03.

  • Gurjar A.K.S, Panwar A.S, Gupta R. and Mantri S. (2016). PmiRExAt: Plant miRNA Expression Atlas Database and web applications. Database 2016; 2016 baw060. doi: 10.1093/database/baw060

Skills & Proficiency

Computational Biology Bioinformatics Genomics Metagenomics Multi-omics Big-Data Mining Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Natural Products Epigenomics