The laboratory's focus is on the mechanism of 3'-UTR regulation of mRNAs and ncRNAs and how it affects cellular functions and diseases. We are particularly interested in non-canonical PAP, Star-PAP that selects mRNA/lncRNA targets and investigates its role in heart development and cardiac hypertrophy/heart failure.
Current Focus Areas
Untranslated RNA regulation in cardiovascular diseases (hypertrophy and heart failure)
Selected Publications
Mohanan, N.K., Shaji, F., Sudheesh A.P., Sundaresan, R, and Rakesh S. Laishram. 2024. Star-PAP controls oncogene expression and cellular proliferation through primary miRNA processing in breast cancer cells. BBA-Molecular Basis of Diseases. 14:167080 (https://doi: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2024.167080).
Shaji, F., Mohanan, N.K., Shazad, S., Gowri V.P., Sundaresan, N.R., and Rakesh S. Laishram. 2024. Proto-oncogene cSrc-mediated RBM10 phosphorylation arbitrates anti-hypertrophy gene program in the heart and controls cardiac hypertrophy. Life Sciences. 341: 122482 (
Sudheesh, A.P., Mohan, N., Nimmy, F., Rakesh S. Laishram*, and Richard Anderson*. 2019. Star-PAP controlled alternative polyadenylation coupled poly(A) tail length regulates expression in hypertrophic heart. Nucleic Acid Res. gkz875 ( 0.1093/nar/gkz875). (*Corresponding Author). Impact factor: 14.5
Mohan, N., Kumar, V., Kandala, D., Kartha, C.C. and Rakesh S. Laishram. 2018. A new splicing independent function of RBM10 controls specific 3′-UTR processing to regulate cardiac hypertrophy in the heart. Cell Reports. 24:3539-3553 ( celrep.2018.08.077). Impact factor: 9.9
4. Mohanan, N.K., Shaji, F., Koshre, G. and Rakesh S. Laishram. 2021. Alternative polyadenylation: an enigma of transcript length variation in health and disease. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA, e1692. ( (Invited review)