
The laboratory's focus is on the mechanism of 3'-UTR regulation of mRNAs and ncRNAs and how it affects cellular functions and diseases. We are particularly interested in non-canonical PAP, Star-PAP that selects mRNA/lncRNA targets and investigates its role in heart development and cardiac hypertrophy/heart failure.

Current Focus Areas

  • Untranslated RNA regulation in cardiovascular diseases (hypertrophy and heart failure)

Selected Publications

  • Mohanan, N.K., Shaji, F., Sudheesh A.P., Sundaresan, R, and Rakesh S. Laishram. 2024. Star-PAP controls oncogene expression and cellular proliferation through primary miRNA processing in breast cancer cells. BBA-Molecular Basis of Diseases. 14:167080 (https://doi: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2024.167080).

  • Shaji, F., Mohanan, N.K., Shazad, S., Gowri V.P., Sundaresan, N.R., and Rakesh S. Laishram. 2024. Proto-oncogene cSrc-mediated RBM10 phosphorylation arbitrates anti-hypertrophy gene program in the heart and controls cardiac hypertrophy. Life Sciences. 341: 122482 (

  • Sudheesh, A.P., Mohan, N., Nimmy, F., Rakesh S. Laishram*, and Richard Anderson*. 2019. Star-PAP controlled alternative polyadenylation coupled poly(A) tail length regulates expression in hypertrophic heart. Nucleic Acid Res. gkz875 ( 0.1093/nar/gkz875). (*Corresponding Author). Impact factor: 14.5

  • Mohan, N., Kumar, V., Kandala, D., Kartha, C.C. and Rakesh S. Laishram. 2018. A new splicing independent function of RBM10 controls specific 3′-UTR processing to regulate cardiac hypertrophy in the heart. Cell Reports. 24:3539-3553 ( celrep.2018.08.077). Impact factor: 9.9

  • 4. Mohanan, N.K., Shaji, F., Koshre, G. and Rakesh S. Laishram. 2021. Alternative polyadenylation: an enigma of transcript length variation in health and disease. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA, e1692. ( (Invited review)

Skills & Proficiency

Untranslated RNA RNA processing cleavage and Polyadenylation Cardiovascular Diseases Hypertrophy heart failure Cell proliferation Invasion and metastasis Star-PAP CPSF