
Application of synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, genome editing, RNAi technology, and chloroplast engineering approaches for enhanced sustainable algae biofuel, Carbon Capture and drug biosynthesis in edible plants and algae. This novel biosynthesis system and oral delivery of the drug would eliminate the expensive fermentation, purification, and cold storage/transportation, making the drug affordable to the global community with increased access, affordability and convenience.

Current Focus Areas

  • Compartmentalized Metabolic Engineering for Terpenoid Biosynthesis and Effective Treatment by Oral Delivery of Plant/Algal Cells. Such novel synergistic approaches should facilitate low-cost production and delivery of drugs through metabolic engineering of edible plants or algae.

  • Drop in Jetfuel (Hydrocarbons) from synthetic microbes. Using synthetic Euglena and oleaginous yeast with CvFAP allows a single step direct conversion of fatty acids into hydrocarbons and process should facilitate an alternative to low-cost drop-in aviation fuel.

  • Using synthetic biology, we have developed super carbon microalgae in collaboration of TATA Steel Pvt Ltd that thrive 10% CO2 while wildtype can not sustain more than 3% CO2. This should help to capture the carbon from industrial flue gas.

  • We have isolated a new algal strain from the Himalayan region, Northern India, which was identified as Dysmorphococcus globosus-HI, which is as a potential source of natural Astaxanthin. It produces more Astaxanthin than any other known algal species.

Selected Publications

  • Sharma A, Nawkarkar P, Kapase VU, Chhabra M, Kumar S (2024) Engineering of ketocarotenoid biosynthetic pathway in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii through exogenous gene expression. Systems Microbiology and Biomanufacturing

  • Nawkarkar P, Kapase VU, Chaudhary S, Kajla S, Kumar S (2023) Heterogeneous diacylglycerol acyltransferase expression enhances lipids and PUFA in Chlorella species. GCB Bioenergy. DOI:10.1111/gcbb.13089 app13106107

  • Kookal S, Nawkarkar P, Guar N, Kumar S (2023) Bioremediation of ethanol wash by microalgae and generation of bioenergy feedstock. Journal of Applied Phycology, 35, 183–194 DOI: 10.1007/s10811-022-02866-0

  • Zohir WF, Kapase VU, Kumar S (2022). Identification and Characterization of a New Microalga Dysmorphococcus globosus-HI from the Himalayan Region as a Potential Source of Natural Astaxanthin. Biology2022,11,884. DOI: 10.3390/biology11060884

  • Kaushal C, Abdin MZ. Kumar S (2020) Chloroplast genome transformation of medicinal plant Artemisia annua. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 18(11): 2155-2157. 10.1111/pbi.13379

  • Malhotra K, Subramaniyan M, Rawat K, Kalamuddin M, Qureshi MF, Malhotra P, Mohmmed A, Cornish K, Daniell H, Kumar S (2016). Compartmentalized metabolic engineering for artemisinin biosynthesis and effective malaria treatment by oral delivery of plant cells. Molecular Plant, 9(11): 1464-1477.

  • Kumaria P, Sharma J, Singh AK, Kumar, Pandey A, Mattooa F, Kumar S, Gaur N (2023) Tailored designing of a diploid S. cerevisiae natural isolate for increased production of fatty acid ethyl ester. Chemical Engineering Journal (,

Skills & Proficiency

Carbon Capture Carbon utilization Green technology Algae biofuel Spent Wash or Wastewater Bioremediation Drop in Jetfuel Metabolic Engineering Synthetic Biology Drug biosynthesis in edible algae Microalgae cell bioencapsulation Photobioreactors.