
Dr. Subhadeep Chatterjee is studying the molecular mechanism of pathogenesis using Xanthomonas group of phytopathogens as a model system. These pathogens communicate with each other using a unique fatty acid signaling molecule known as Diffusible Signal Factor (DSF) by a process known as quorum sensing (QS). Sustained investigations discovered reversible non-genetic heterogeneity in bacterial social communication systems that coordinate virulence and lifestyle transitions during plant disease. The fundamental findings have implications for bacterial disease management, including those of medical importance, and they give key insights on microbial evolution.

Current Focus Areas

  • Mechanism of bacterial quorum sensing heterogeneity. This has enabled an improved understanding of social communication systems by providing insights on microbial iron homeostasis and its role in plant diseases.

  • DSF class of quorum sensing signaling molecules can act as a pathogen associated molecular pattern (PAMP) to elicit plant defense responses.

  • Novel iron uptake and regulatory function in Xanthomonas Subhadeep Chatterjee’s laboratory has identified and characterized a novel ferric iron binding transcription factor, XibR (xanthomonas iron binding regulator),

  • mechanism of light sensing in bacteria and how social behavior in bacteria is regulated by day and night cycle which influences the cellular physiology and coordination of gene expression in important plant pathogens.

  • novel virulence functions which are regulated by DSF mediated QS. These include: a novel outer membrane adhesins XadM; chemotaxis and motility functions which are required for epiphytic (leaf) infection; iron uptake and utilization functions; an extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) which is involved in suppression of innate immunity, etc.

Selected Publications

  • Padhi Y, Chatterjee S. (2023). XdfA, a novel membrane associated DedA family protein of Xanthomonas campestris is required for optimum virulence, maintenance of magnesium and membrane homeostasis. MBio: DOI: 10.1128/mbio.01361-23, Manuscript ID: mBio01361-23

  • Verma RK, Biswas A, Kakkar A, Lomada SK, Pradhan BB, Chatterjee S. (2020). A Bacteriophytochrome Mediates Interplay between Light Sensing and the Second Messenger Cyclic Di-GMP to Control Social Behavior and Virulence. Cell Rep. 32(13):108202. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108202. PMID: 32997993.

  • Samal B and Chatterjee S. (2019). New insight into bacterial social communication in natural host: evidence for interplay of heterogeneous and unison quorum response. PLOS Genetics. 15(9):e1008395. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1008395.

  • Javvadi, S., Pandey S.S., Mishra, A., Pradhan, B.B., and Chatterjee S. (2018). Bacterial cyclic β-(1,2)-glucans sequester iron to protect against iron-induced toxicity. EMBO Reports 19: 172-186.

  • Pandey SS, Patnana PK, Lomada SK, Tomar A, Chatterjee S. (2016). Co-regulation of Iron Metabolism and Virulence Associated Functions by Iron and XibR, a Novel Iron Binding Transcription Factor, in the Plant Pathogen Xanthomonas. PLoS Pathogens 12(11): e1006019. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1006019.

Skills & Proficiency

plant microbe interaction host pathogen interaction bacterial virulence molecular Microbiology cell-cell communication signal transduction quorum sensing plant defense response bacterial pathogenesis iron metabolism inter kingdom signaling