
I am a cell biologist . Received PhD degree in tissue engineering from SCTIMST. My lab specializes in Cancer Drug Resistance and pre-clinical model development for high-throughput target specific screening application. We are currently engaged in the development of recombinant antibodies and patient derived xenografts to support precision medicine, cell therapy and personalized therapy in cancer. Another interest of the lab is to understand how protein-protein interaction heterogeneity at space and time, regulates cell cycle and cell death decision and contribute to therapy resistance in cancer.

Current Focus Areas

  • Biosimilar development, Cell based highthrough-put assays, Hypoxia and cancer,

  • CART cell therapy for solid tumors

  • Patient derived xenografts and preclinical model development for cancer

  • Recombinant antibodies and precisine medicine

  • Cancer Drug resistance

Selected Publications

  • 1. Jayaprasad, Aparna Geetha, et al. "Telomerase inhibitors induce mitochondrial oxidation and DNA damage-dependent cell death rescued by Bcl-2/Bcl-xL." International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (2024): 130151.

  • 6. Chandrasekharan A, Varadarajan SN, Lekshmi A, Santhoshkumar TR. Real-time simultaneous imaging of temporal alterations in cytoplasmic and mitochondrial redox in single cells during cell division and cell death. Free Radic Biol Med. 2023 Jan;194:33-41

  • 7. Ravindran R, Velikkakath AKG, Narendradev ND, Chandrasekharan A, Santhoshkumar TR, Srinivasula SM. Endosomal-associated RFFL facilitates mitochondrial clearance by enhancing PRKN/parkin recruitment to mitochondria. Autophagy. 2022 Dec;18(12):2851-2864. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2022.2052460. Epub 2022 Apr 3

  • 15. Chandrasekharan, A., S. N. Varadarajan, A. Lekshmi, S. S. Lupitha, P. Darvin, L. Chandrasekhar, P. R. Pillai, T. R. Santhoshkumar and M. R. Pillai .A high-throughput real-time in vitro assay using mitochondrial targeted roGFP for screening of drugs targeting mitochondria.. Redox Biol, 20, 379-389. 2019

  • 75. SanthiAchuthan, T. R. Santhoshkumar, Jem Prabhakar, S. Asha Nair and M. Radhakrishna Pillai, Drug induced senescence generates chemoresistant stem like cells with low reactive oxygen species. J Biol Chem.2011, oct 28,286 43,37813-29

Skills & Proficiency

Drug screeing Cell therapy Drug resistance in cancer Recombinant antibodies Biosimilars Monclonal development Cell based assays Lifetime imaging FRET CAR T cell therapy Hypoxia Apotosis