Brief about NSWCP-2024
Clinical proteomics is a powerful approach used for both discovery and targeted proteomic analyse to understand global proteomic dynamics in a cell, tissue, or organism. Advances in Quantitative Proteomics have made it more useful in terms of its application in various clinical and biological research areas.
“National Symposium and Workshop on Clinical Proteomics (NSWCP-2024)”is being organized in the Advanced Mass Spectrometry Facility at BRIC-Institute of Life Sciences (ILS), Bhubaneswar on August 20-23, 2024. NSWCP-2024 includes one day symposium on Tuesday, August 20, 2024 followed by Workshop on August 21-23, 2024 at ILS, Bhubaneswar.
One day Symposium: August 20th, 2024
- About Symposium:
- This Symposium focuses on the applications of Clinical proteomics to different aspects of life sciences. Several eminent invited speakers from different fields will present their research work and share their knowledge and experiences.
- Theme:
- Advances in Clinical proteomics: Basics of proteomics; Quantitative proteomics; PTMs & Targeted proteomics; Proteoinformatics
- Applications of clinical proteomics: Cancer proteomics; Infectious and non-infectious disease proteomics
- Who should attend?
- This symposium aimed to provide an overview to PG students, research scholars, MD students, postdocs, and young faculty members from universities, institutions, and medical colleges interested in clinical proteomics.
- Registration:
- The online registration form may be filled along with payment details on or before the last date. A receipt generated online after submission of the form should be emailed to
- Symposium registration fee - is Rs. 750/-, which covers the Registration kit, lunch, and certificate of attendance (no accommodation will be provided).
- Seats available: Limited seats available (First come first basis)
Three days Workshop: August 21st-23rd, 2024
- About Workshop:
- The workshop is being organized in the Advanced Mass Spectrometry Facility at DBT-Institute of Life Sciences (ILS), Bhubaneswar. This three-day intensive workshop will introduce, demonstrate, and provide a theoretical and practical understanding of Clinical proteomics and its applications in biomedical research.
- It will be more focused on understanding Advanced High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS)- based discovery proteomics commonly used in clinical research. Participants will get hands-on training for sample preparation and HRMS-derived proteomic data analysis.
- Theme and content:
- Basics of mass spectrometry and advances in technologies
- Introduction to Mass spectrometry-based proteomics
- Strategies used in protein identification and quantitative proteomics
- Workflows of a typical quantitative proteomics study
- Sample preparation practices and precautions
- Protein identification and quantification by High-Resolution Mass Spectrometer (HRMS)
- Thermo Orbitrap fusion & NeoNanoLC- A working model of the high-resolution mass spectrometer
- Proteomics data analysis for relative quantification
- Who should attend?
- This workshop aims to provide training to research scholars, MD students, Postdocs, and young faculty members from Universities, Institutions, and medical colleges working in the field of biomedical research.
- Registration:
- The online registration request form may be filled out (payment is not required) on or before last date.
- The Committee will screen the request forms, and selected candidates will be notified through email to pay the workshop fee by July 31, 2024.
Workshop registration fees:
- The workshop registration fee covers workshop registration kit, food, workshop materials and certificate of attendance.
- Seats available: 15 Nos (Limited Accommodation on a payment basis is available at ILS, Bhubaneswar)
Research Scholars/Students : Rs. 10,000 Faculty & others : Rs. 15,000
Speakers for Symposium

Dr. Shantanu Sengupta
Senior Principal Scientist

Dr. Srikanth Rapole
Scientist E

Dr. Sanjeeva Srivastav
IIT Bombay

Dr. Mahesh J. Kulkarni
Senior Principal Scientist

Dr. Debasis Dash
DBT-ILS, Bhubaneswar

Dr. Amol R. Suryawanshi
DBT-ILS, Bhubaneswar
Dr. Amol R. Suryawanshi
Scientist – E
DBT-Institute of Life sciences
Dr. Soma Chattopadhyay
Scientist – F
DBT-Institute of Life Sciences
Dr. Gulam H. Syed
Scientist – F
DBT-Institute of Life Sciences
Dr. Soumen Chakraborty
Scientist – F
DBT-Institute of Life Sciences
Registration Details
Registration is mandatory for participation in the NSWCP-2024 workshop. To attend the workshop, all interested individuals must complete the registration process within the specified deadline.
Important Dates
Last date for application: (For Workshop both) |
: | July 21st, 2024 |
Last date for application: (For Symposium) |
: | July 31st, 2024 |
Notification of acceptance for workshop: (to be intimated by email) |
: | July 23rd, 2024 |
Last date of payment for workshop | : | July 31st, 2024 |