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Pollution to production: Carbon capture and utilisation

As the global community grapples with the escalating effects of climate change, carbon capture and utilization (CCU) emerges as a crucial technology for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. CCU encompasses processes that capture carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions from industrial sources or directly from the atmosphere and convert them into valuable products. This essay explores the significance, methods, and future prospects of CCU, highlighting its role in advancing sustainability and reducing carbon footprints.

At its core, CCU addresses one of the primary sources of anthropogenic CO₂ emissions: industrial activities. Industries such as cement, steel, and chemical production are significant contributors to global CO₂ emissions. Traditional mitigation strategies focus on reducing emissions at the source, but CCU offers a complementary approach by capturing and repurposing emitted CO₂. This dual strategy enhances the effectiveness of climate mitigation efforts and provides a sustainable method to manage emissions.

Several technologies underpin CCU, each with its own set of advantages and applications. The most widely recognized methods include post-combustion capture, pre-combustion capture, and direct air capture. Post-combustion capture involves filtering CO₂ from flue gases after fossil fuels are burned, while pre-combustion capture involves removing CO₂ before combustion. Direct air capture, a more recent innovation, extracts CO₂ directly from the atmosphere, offering a potential means to offset emissions from hard-to-decarbonize sectors.

Once captured, CO₂ can be utilized in various ways. One prominent application is in enhanced oil recovery (EOR), where captured CO₂ is injected into oil reservoirs to increase extraction efficiency. Additionally, CO₂ can be used to produce chemicals, building materials, and fuels, effectively turning a waste product into valuable commodities. The development of carbon-neutral or even carbon-negative products through CCU processes represents a significant step towards achieving sustainability goals.

However, CCU is not without challenges. High costs associated with capture technologies, energy requirements, and the need for infrastructure development pose barriers to widespread adoption. Furthermore, the long-term effectiveness of CCU in reducing atmospheric CO₂ levels depends on the scale of implementation and the ability to ensure that captured CO₂ is securely stored or utilized.

Looking forward, the future of CCU hinges on continued research, technological innovation, and supportive policies. Government incentives, carbon pricing mechanisms, and public-private partnerships will be crucial in accelerating the deployment of CCU technologies. As advancements are made and costs decrease, CCU has the potential to play a significant role in a comprehensive strategy to combat climate change, offering a promising pathway to a more sustainable future.

In summary, carbon capture and utilization represents a vital component of global efforts to address climate change. By capturing and repurposing CO₂ emissions, CCU not only mitigates the impact of industrial activities but also fosters the development of sustainable technologies and products. As the world progresses towards climate neutrality, CCU stands out as a transformative solution, promising to reduce emissions and drive progress in the fight against global warming.


University/College name : Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences,DU