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Role of Biotechnology in securing future

The global challenges are now increasing day by day and has adverse effect on the people.The integration of biotechnological innovations offers promising solutions that can mitigate these issues while fostering a more sustainable future.
Climate change is a defining challenge of our time,manifesting through rising temperatures,more frequent extreme weather events, and increasing sea levels. These changes disrupt ecosystems, agriculture, and human health, leading to significant socioeconomic consequences. For instance, altered weather patterns can diminish crop yields, increase the risk of food shortages, and inflate food prices, while severe weather events cause costly infrastructure damage and health problems.Biotechnology offers several solutions to combat climate change. Biofuels derived from algae and other microorganisms provide renewable energy alternatives to fossil fuels,which helps in reducing carbon emissions. Advances in genetic engineering enable the development of crops that are more resilient to environmental stresses, thus maintaining agricultural productivity despite changing conditions. Furthermore, biotechnology-driven carbon capture technologies help to sequester CO2 from the atmosphere, mitigating greenhouse gas concentrations and contributing to climate stabilization.
Food security is increasingly threatened by population growth, environmental degradation, and unsustainable agricultural practices. Many regions experience food scarcity, nutritional deficiencies, and significant food waste, which have far-reaching socioeconomic impacts. Rising food prices disproportionately affect low-income populations, leading to malnutrition and social unrest.Biotechnology plays a crucial role in enhancing food security and nutrition. Genetically modified crops that resist pests, diseases, and environmental stressors can significantly boost agricultural yields and reduce food loss. Biotechnological advancements also facilitate the production of lab-grown meat and dairy alternatives, offering sustainable food sources that require fewer resources and generate less environmental impact. Additionally, biotechnology-driven solutions can reduce food waste by improving preservation techniques and developing biodegradable packaging materials.
Public health crises, including pandemics, antibiotic resistance, and limited access to healthcare, pose severe challenges to global well-being. These issues strain healthcare systems, increase costs, and reduce workforce productivity.

Chetan singh

University/College name : Acharya Narendra Dev College(University of Delhi)