
Standard Operating Procedure

Key Features of Our Facility

Mass spectrometers have low detection limits; however, the ionization of analytes may be suppressed by contaminants (including common buffer salts and detergents) present in samples.

Many commonly used reagents especially for biological samples have poor compatibility with mass spectrometric ionization techniques. Additionally, the mass spectrometer can be contaminated or clogged if crude samples containing non-volatile components are introduced into the instrument.

  • State-of-the-art mass spectrometry equipment
  • Experienced and dedicated team of scientists
  • Comprehensive range of services including proteomics, metabolomics, and lipidomics
  • Collaborative projects with academic and industrial partners
  • Advanced data analysis and interpretation support
  • Training and workshops for researchers and students

Consequently, sample preparation is a critical component of a mass spectrometric analysis and directly relates to the quality of data the instruments can realize.

Good sample preparation is essential for good data and preventing instrument damage.

* MS facility is available for the following jobs/services based on instrument user charges and Instrument user charges (per sample/ run) for ILS Mass Spectrometry Facility (Excluding GST charges) is given below :-

Our Services Overview

Job Type Jobs Requested # ILS / BRIC-AI Users (In INR/ sample) Academic (In INR/ sample) Non-Academic / Industry (In INR / sample)
A Protein identification on HRMS for simple/purified samples

(Orbitrap fusion Lumos direct injection)

-> Purified, Digested & desalted Samples

2,500/- 5,000/- 8,000/-
B Protein identification on HRMS for complex samples

(Orbitrap fusion Lumos with neoUHPLC)

-> Digested & desalted Samples

3,000/- 8,000/- 10,000/-
C Quantitative proteome analysis on HRMS for complex samples (excluding Labelling)

(Orbitrap fusion Lumos with neoUHPLC)

-> Digested & desalted Samples

3,500/- 7,000/- 12,000/-
D PTM identification by MS/MS on HRMS

(Orbitrap fusion Lumos with neoUHPLC)

-> PTM Enriched, Digested & desalted Samples

7,500/- 15,000/- 20,000/-
E Un-targeted metabolomics/ lipidomics on HRMS

(Orbitrap fusion Lumos with UHPLC)

-> Purified samples

3,000/- 6,000/- 10,000/-
F Targeted proteome analysis on LC-MS/MS per 60 min run

(Triple Quadrupole with UHPLC)

-> For Digested & desalted samples

1,000/- 2,000/- 5,000/-
G Additional charges for enzyme digestion and desalting for protein mixture sample if required. 2,000/- 4,000/- 8,000/-

*If you wish to submit samples to the MS Facility for analysis, please follow the guidelines for each mass spectrometry technique listed below or contact facility manager for more details.

Mass spectrometry facility manager:

Mr. R. Rajendra K. Reddy
Phone- 91-674- 2304233(D), 2300137 Ext: 233

Process for Submission

Many commonly used reagents especially for biological samples have poor compatibility with mass spectrometric ionization techniques. Additionally, the mass spectrometer can be contaminated or clogged if crude samples containing non-volatile components are introduced into the instrument.

  • First, go through the MS facility guidelines or contact the facility manager for sample preparation and protocols.
  • Download the Sample submission form from the ILS website or request it by email to the MS Facility.
  • Complete the Sample submission form, sign it, and pay the applicable charges.
  • If you are submitting more than one sample, enclose a separate list of samples with respective sample details in an Excel sheet format.
  • Give unique names to sample tubes (1.5 ml microfuge tubes preferred).
  • Samples should be prepared strictly as per the protocol compatible with the Mass spectrometer. In case, you are not aware of the correct protocols, use the protocol standardized at the ILS MS Facility.
  • Samples in dry/lyophilised form with proper tube labeling and matching with the enclosed list will be accepted.
  • Once the sample is processed, results obtained will be sent by email to PI upon job completion.
  • The time required to complete the job from the submission of the sample, along with the filled and signed request form, to results mailed to PI.
  • The below-mentioned time for job completion may vary in case of sample queue, system failure, or any other unavoidable circumstances.

Preferred samples as per jobs request and tentative time required to complete requested job which includes sample run on Mass spectrometer, acquisition of data, data processing and analysis, results analysis, result preparation and mailing to PI are as follows:

Our Services Overview

Job Type Jobs Requested # Type of sample required / preferred
A Protein identification on HRMS for simple/purified samples

(Orbitrap fusion Lumos direct injection)

Purified, Digested & desalted Samples
B Protein identification on HRMS for complex samples

(Orbitrap fusion Lumos with neoUHPLC)

Digested & desalted Samples
C Quantitative proteome analysis on HRMS for complex samples (excluding Labelling)

(Orbitrap fusion Lumos with neoUHPLC)

Digested & desalted Samples
D PTM identification by MS/MS on HRMS

(Orbitrap fusion Lumos with neoUHPLC)

PTM Enriched, Digested & desalted Samples
E Un-targeted metabolomics/ lipidomics on HRMS

(Orbitrap fusion Lumos with UHPLC)

Purified samples
F Targeted proteome analysis on LC-MS/MS per 60 min run

(Triple Quadrupole with UHPLC)

For Digested & desalted samples
G Additional charges for enzyme digestion and desalting for protein mixture sample if required. For Digested & desalted samples

*All users must acknowledge the ILS MS facility in their publication/patent etc while publishing data generated from the facility.

*User may contact & discuss their requirement with facility manager prior to avail the services. Time may vary depending on sample queue, instrument functionality or unavoidable circumstances etc.

Please contact for sample preparation guidelines and more details-

Mass spectrometry facility manager:
Mr. R. Rajendra K. Reddy Phone- 91-674- 2304233(D), 2300137 Ext: 233

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